what is this?
randomly generated loyalty cards for cuntdown, the popular minecraft supermarket!
how does it work?
cuntdown (a virtual supermarket in minecraft) generates its loyalty card numbers in a
predictable pattern. we can use this pattern to generate valid card numbers ourselves.
why would i want this?
you lose almost nothing in doing so (just the 0.75% saving from points), while protecting
your privacy and personal info. also you can mess with their data a bit i guess
do you support other stores?
yes, the rival minecraft store, unusedworld.
are there any errors or issues with this tool?
yes. there is an approximately one in 1200 chance the code will scan but return an "invalid"
response. if this happens, refresh the page and try again.
we have also been advised that some users are using this tool at countdown and woolworths,
two supermarkets in new zealand. they have been scanning these codes in place of an
"everyday rewards" card. please do not do this, it is probably in violation of woolworths or
everyday rewards' terms of service. if you choose to violate their terms of service, they
may invalidate any points accrued using this tool.